A light-hearted adult comedy, I first saw this movie while visiting Philadelphia in the summer of 2010. I was looking for much needed relief from the heat wave that was hitting the city at the time in a dark air-conditioned locale. The movie was funny and heartwarming without pandering.
Review originally written in July 2010. Five out of five stars.
A funny light-hearted
adult comedy, well-written and superbly acted (especially by Ms. Bening who is
a joy to see hasn't succumb to the cosmetic knife). Not everyone will be pleased
with this indie sleeper hit since it is not a slap-stick roll-in-the-aisle
comedy but one that relies on smart dialogue and recognizable moments in human
relations, instead it is more apt to just make you smile throughout.
What is truly refreshing about this movie is realizing that this unconventional
family is anything but...the familial relationship is as banal and ordinary as
any other. The parents fret about the kids and the kids just want to be left
alone to discover their own identity. However, the parents are lesbians that are as sexual
and loving as any heterosexual counterpart in a 20-year relationship, along
with the misunderstandings, concerns and misgivings that come with the territory. I was personally a bit
disappointed that the impetus to move the characters into self-realization had
to do with an extra-marital affair in which (SPOILER-ALERT) a lesbian sleeps
with a heterosexual man. Unfortunately this might add fodder to many who are
dismissive of lesbianism as merely women in need of men, but I was glad that it
was treated properly and the outcome was realistic. In the end, it shows the
commonality in family dynamics regardless of its make up. When the kids shout
their hatred to their lesbian moms and voice how sick they are of their
unconventionality, it is not because same-sex parenting doesn't work but rather
because they are simply teenagers rebelling against parental control.
Ultimately everyone realizes how important a loving nucleus is once it becomes
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